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Lamborghini is emphasizing its commitment to protecting the environment on the occasion of World Bee Day. In 2016 the brand launched an environmental biomonitoring project with the installation of an apiary in the Lamborghini Park in Sant’Agata Bolognese, with a population of about 600,000 bees of which 120,000 forage around the territory.
Two cameras – one inside and one outside – make it possible to observe the behavior of the insects close-by and to collect even more in-depth analyses.
What results from the analyses is a wide range of environmental pollutants such as pesticides used in farming, heavy metals, aromatic substances, dioxins, and many others. It is possible to control environmental pollution with the vast “foraging” of the bees, that is to say, their flight to collect nectar and pollen within a radius of about 3 km.
The biomonitoring project is focused on several colonies of solitary bees, which when compared to social bees have a shorter foraging radius (200 meters). These colonies allow more specific areas to be monitored and even more effective data to be recorded in the study of the site’s environmental impact.
This project falls within a broader environmental sustainability strategy that Lamborghini has been carrying forward since 2009 and that has led the company to be awarded certification as a CO2 neutral production site in 2015.