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Making its debut is the new “Direzione Cor Tauri”, the environmental sustainability route that will lead Lamborghini to the decarbonization of its future models. The Latin term for heart of the Bull, Cor Tauri is also the brightest star of the constellation of Taurus, and it depicts the direction Lamborghini has taken towards an electrified future, however a future always faithful to the heart and soul of the brand.
The constant focus of the process to electrify the products will be identifying technologies and solutions able to guarantee top performance and top driving dynamics, staying true to Lamborghini’s genuine tradition.
Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, commented: “Lamborghini’s electrification plan is a change of course that was made necessary by a radically changed context, in which we want to give our contribution by continuing to reduce environmental impact with tangible projects.”
Direzione Cor Tauri breaks down into three phases:
The Lamborghini program is inspired by a holistic vision of the company’s sustainability strategy: a full-scale approach that starting from the product embraces the entire Sant’Agata Bolognese site, from the production lines to the offices, while keeping focus on the quality of performance and the genuine driving experience high in the development of new technologies.
The soul and compass of the Cor Tauri transformation plan will once again be the brand’s DNA and its innate ability to turn challenges into opportunities, with special attention paid to the most urgent ecological choices that the world demands of us.