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On the occasion of Earth Day, Lamborghini has been awarded the Green Star 2021, ranking among the most sustainable companies in Italy thanks to its commitment to reducing environmental impact.
Alongside this prestigious recognition, the brand has joined the Volkswagen Group’s #Project1Hour initiative, created to reflect on climate change and the impact our behaviors and habits have on the planet. Among the events promoted by Lamborghini, a digital talk will be held today between two experts on climate change: Silvia Torresan (Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change) and Luca Bracali (photographer, filmmaker, explorer and ambassador for life of Save the Planet).
This event is part of a specific business strategy based on a program of corporate ethical responsibility. Lamborghini’s sustainability project was launched in 2009 and over the years it has achieved a series of important goals, such as obtaining certification as a CO2 neutral company, the inauguration of one of the largest photovoltaic systems in Emilia-Romagna, the planting of 10,000 oak trees, and the installation of an apiary inside the Lamborghini Park, as well as the recent establishment of a new Sustainability Task Force, with the aim of encouraging the exchange of new ideas for continuous improvement.
In this regard, Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, commented: “We want to give concrete answers, through significant innovations, to this time of profound transformation that is affecting the automotive industry as a whole. We are convinced that our decisions as a company, but also as individuals, can make a difference, for us and for our future generations.”